Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Shayk Al Qaradawi's Poem

Shayk Al Qaradawi's Poem:

"Oh My nation, the struggle has become obligatory, so put aside chattering and screaming. Put aside dallying. He who dallies and rests is of no help. Put aside all pretence, since massacres and wounds have said their word.The Missionaries of Peace are lying, for there is neither peace nor pardon.Weeping over the ruins of our camp is no longer of avail, nor crying.We should no longer speak with words; rather let the spears have their say

* * *

Oh men, the matter is grave. The time for jesting has passed. Call things by their real names, for it is men's way to be frank.The veil has fallen from the face, and their secret workings are revealed. The Crusaders have returned once more, and they move about in the [Iraqi] lowlands.They spread perversion in the land, as though it were ground free for all to graze in. They are again spilling blood, without shame of exposure. And the Shi'ites play well the role assigned to them. The treacherous role, whose beginning and end are known to all. They returned when in the East there is no Nur al-Din in power, or Salah [Al-Din]. [4] We have forgotten the past, but they have now scratched the scabs. They did not recoil from slaughtering old men … or small girls. Their hate is not slaked by the blood they spill with such arrogance and impudence. They gleefully abuse the victims' corpses, and violate the honor of women, fearing no retribution or punishment. There is no Mu'tasim [5] to succor those who cry for help. Don't you see how conspiracies against Islam are hatched openly in the light of day? Don't you see how the land of the prophets suffers from wounds? Don't you see how the Jews commit outrages, while we excel in crying out? They violated our Palestine, and declared that they will not leave it. They heed not the censure of U.N. resolutions, nor any proposal…Were it not for the firmness of young men, unwilling to part with their religion, Young men who offer up their blood – and he who offers up his blood is blameless.

* * *

Apostasy has become blatant, having no fear of exposure. In the marketplace of hypocrisy plain falsehood is being peddled Moral depravity is sold there under the name of art and openness Perversion prevails arrogantly and openly day and night…

* * *

Oh Islamic nation, rise up and act! For there is no time to be lost. Heresy has gathered its forces. Why are we frightened and fighting one another? Assemble, and equip yourself as you can with that which is at hand. Oh thousand million [Muslims], where are you when the wounds call out? Bring one million from the billion, the select of the select. One from every thousand, and with them we shall make war on all fronts…

* * *

There is no escape from producing men, this is like the making of arms. The making of heroes is a science that was made clear in out tradition. Heroes can only be made in our mosques, in the garden of the Koran, and in the shade of the true Prophetic traditions. In the company of the righteous, who walk in Allah's abode. Those who guide by example, rather than by eloquence… Those who betray the call to prayer, betray as well the call to struggle. Oh my Islamic nation, stand fast, for night will soon give way to morning…"


[1] Al-Jazeera TV (Qatar), January 16, 2005.
[2] www.qaradawi.net, January 5, 2005.
[3] In a Friday sermon broadcast on Qatar TV on January 14, 2005, Al-Qaradhawi said: "Allah, help the
fighters of Jihad in spirit and assist them with your many soldiers… Allah, [harm] your enemies, the
enemies of Islam. Allah, [harm] the treacherous and aggressive Jews. Allah, [harm] their oppressive and
patronizing allies. Allah, [harm] all the enemies of Islam and of the Muslims…"
[4] Nur Al-Din Al-Zengi (1146-1174), head of the Zengid confederation, who initiated a Jihad against the
Crusaders, and Salah Al-Din Al-Ayyubi (1169-1193), conqueror of Jerusalem.
[5] Al-Mu'tasim, an Abbasid caliph (833-842), who in 838 defeated the Byzantine army and conquered the
fortified city of Amorium.

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